Kristin B. Webb, PsyD (Licensed Psychologist)
105 Deerwood Court
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

About my DBT Skills Classes
In addition to weekly, individual DBT patients in my Chapel Hill office, I also co-lead a weekly DBT skills class. This takes place in Cary at the offices of Dr. Jennifer Kern Pennell, my co-leader.
DBT skills classes are an essential part of the DBT protocol and no DBT treatment is complete or effective without them. They are not group therapy. They are designed to teach coping skills in four modules: Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance. There is homework weekly.
My skills class meets on Thursdays from 5 - 7 p.m. New members are only admitted after a screening in my Chapel Hill office, and at the beginning of each module. Members must have weekly individual therapy, preferably with a DBT-trained therapist. This group is for women only. We do not file insurance. The cost of the screening is $150. The cost for weekly DBT skills class is $90 if you intend to file insurance yourself, or $50 if you choose not to use your insurance. Most group members attend for at least one year to learn all of the skills; many repeat each module more than once.
If this group does not sound right for you, please contact Triangle Area DBT at There are at least 30 skills classes throughout the Triangle from which to choose.